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  • mbiddings

Of Relics and Dreams

My feet were aching, begging for me to find the closest place to rest, if only for a moment. I took a seat on a bench next to an elderly woman. As she looked up from her reading, her eyes widened when she saw me.

“What I would give to have hair like yours,” she said wistfully.

I patted my giant head of hair, composed of frizzy, untamed curls. “It’s a blessing and a curse,” I told her. I gestured at her bucket hat, adding, “I would love to be able to wear a hat like yours, but all of my hair just won’t fit under there.”

The woman laughed. “The grass is always greener, eh?”

As she lifted her booklet to continue reading, I couldn’t help but to ask what she was reading.

“Just a booklet from the National Museum. Their ancient pottery collection is simply thrilling!”

“I can’t remember the last time I went to a museum,” I told her. “It sounds wonderful.”

“What’s been keeping you?”

“My job keeps me on my toes,” I confessed. “I never wanted to be that person, y’know? All consumed with work, unable to appreciate the little things in life…”

The woman looked me in the eye and said, “There are some things that can’t be easily changed, but there are some that you have complete control over.” She paused before adding, “Quit your job.”

“Pardon?” I asked.

“I’ve got a job for you.”

I stared at her, waiting for her to continue.

“There are twin vases at the museum. Glazed ceramic. Han dynasty. Small enough to fit in…” She paused, looking me over, before saying, “your bag”.

My bag?” I asked her. “I certainly can’t keep them in my bag, now can I? Not with the fainting and all!”

“The… fainting?”

She scoffed, “Try to keep up, please. I’ll create a distraction, you grab the vases and slip out the back door.”

“Hold on,” I interjected. “Won’t they be guarded? What about security cameras? No way!”

“You lack imagination, determination, and courage,” she told me. She went back to reading her booklet.

These words from a stranger cut deep.

After a few minutes of silence I leaned close to her face and said, “I’m doing it.”

“Grab your bag, sweetheart! Let’s go!” she exclaimed.

I quickly put a hand out to stop her. “No, I’m not helping you rob the National Museum, but I am quitting my job. I’ve got imagination, determination, and courage… they were just set aside in a hope chest, gathering dust. Thanks for reminding me.”

“I’m happy to help,” she told me. “And speaking of valuables gathering dust, I’ve got somewhere to be.”

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